If you would like a general reading that helps you in your life at
this time, this is it. This is not a specific reading on any area but a
general reading on a lot of different areas.
You can ask questions
regarding any issues you have that are causing you concern. I will relay
back to you this information, and more, as it is given to me by your
Guides, Angels and the people who have crossed over who want to
communicate with you about something that is important to them for you.
These types of readings give you information about a lot of different
aspects of your life and yourself. They will help with your life and
your own spiritual abilities to improve your life in all ways. They can
show you how to make the most of your life. You will be a lot happier,
more contented, and more at peace within yourself, with a more loving
understanding of yourself and of others. These psychic readings can also
give general or Spiritual learning techniques that Spirit wants to pass
on to help you improve your life.
Please note that my personal psychics readings are available only one on
one, in Fitzgibbon, northern Brisbane.
What is a psychic reading?
A psychic reading is when a clairvoyant communicates with your spirit guide
on issues relating to your life, and then communicates back to you via the
clairvoyant to help guide you through any personal issues in your life.
How do I receive a psychic reading?
All you need to do is to supply a photograph of the person being read,
e.g. yourself or the person you wish to locate. Readings are recorded on to CD
as part of the service.

The Cosmic Clairvoyant guarantees you total privacy and confidentiality
in every dealing with me.
Under no circumstances will I share or sell any information about my clients. This includes contact details.
Any contact by Cosmic Clairvoyants to you will be only on matters concerning this site, and your requests. Clairvoyant's contact will be only as requested by you.
Clairvoyant readings are for entertainment value only, and as such are not meant to be giving definitive meaning to the various terms used. No guarantees of any kind are meant to be implied regarding the readings. Clairvoyant, tarot, or palm readings, and advice which I may give as a result of them are definitely not meant to be treated as if they are any form of psychological diagnosis, therapy, or treatment. Please consult a licensed health care provider if you feel the need for such a service.
Goods and services provided by Salubrious Investments Pty. Ltd.
(P.O. Box 858, Aspley Qld. 4034 Brisbane, Australia).